An Epic World Candle Month at Robbins Candle Co.
As we celebrate World Candle Month, summer is winding down and the colder, darker nights are creeping in!
Autumn has genuinely begun, and September is the perfect time of year to celebrate this age-old creation! Candles have been around for a very long time. World Candle Month is the ideal time to highlights the many ways that candles can be incorporated into our daily lives.
Once used to bring light into dark places, candles are now a source of calm and relaxation with scents designed to freshen any space and improve any mood.
It is common knowledge that the light bulb displaced the candle as the primary light-bringer in the late 19th century, meaning the purpose for a candle within someone home dramatically changed.
Now more often than not candles are scented, bought as decoration, mood-setters, or gifts. The candle industry continues to grow today as advances in wax, scent, and colour technology offer consumers a panoply of options for their homes.
Reasons to Love: World Candle Month!
A time to celebrate a critical invention!
The wheel gets all the attention, quote and love, but where would the world be without candles? These days candles still have many vital functions, and it had to image them never existing. What a darker, less enlightened place, especially in the winter, the world would me.
A reminder us to treat ourselves and each other!
World Candle Month reminds us that it doesn’t have to be a special occasion, in order to lit a candle. Every day should be unique, and any time we want to add a little extra pampering to our day, lighting a sweet-smelling candle can be just the thing.
The promotion of candle safety and best practices
There is no better time than a month of love for candles to remind people about the safety practices that surround them. Candle lighting is so much more than wick to a flame. World Candle Month highlights those tips and practices to better enjoy your candling experience.
Help us share the love of candles by following us on instagram and support our mission to make candles that are kinder to you and the enviroment!
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.“
Robbins x
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